What you say when you stumble across something bizzare, unusual, shocking, and or interesting while surfing the web.
by 14012008011413070515180705 February 7, 2005
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Not known as Pitbull, but known as Daddy Yankee, the better one
Mr. World Wide, the artist of this song.
by The kid with the Dope Hair April 23, 2018
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WWWW tech support is the best tech support company to ever exist with the best tech professionals
My printer wasn't working yesterday so I called the World Wide Web Wide Tech Support and they fixed my printer for only 5 $500 google play cards!!!
by A tech support penguin March 18, 2021
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Person 1: Hey bro whats the best Hamilton song?

Person 2: The world was wide enough
by Pr0b0ssy August 1, 2020
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A sweet, innocent kids show that features three young birds, some other animals, and their adventures in a large urban sanctuary or park. The titular character is a young male chick named Peep, who is friends with a female robin named Chirp who is learning to fly, and a egotistical but good hearted duck named Quack.
Is found on Youtube and on PBS.
Peep and the Big Wide World is an interesting little kids show. I watch it while recovering from surgery.
by happyatcommonsense February 28, 2019
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The greatest phrase ever uttered.
A phrase that can be used instead of "What?", "Huh?", "Why?" or even "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!"
"Okay, everyone. We have a pop quiz today."
"What in the wide wide world of sports?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
by ZeldaTanz April 17, 2009
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