This is a crude sexual reference. A trophy wife is a "deer" with a "big rack" you "mount" in the den.
I haven't been this hard since I was twenty. Every old guy who can afford it should get a hot trophy wife. It's better than viagra.
by Joe Yang September 10, 2005
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A tophy wife is a woman in a May to December marriage that sees Christmas presents in December. A trophy wife believes that when she gets a swatch of mink and a plane ticket to New York City to get the matching coat, that he is really that romantic, and his secretary doens't know him better than she does. A trophy wife needs a nanny and she still can't cook, and a nanny means the sex isn't as good anymore, so if she's really smart, she'll adopt. A trophy wife is dependent and so is he; he has lost his fire and life has become too routine. A trophy wife means his ex is dating younger men.
Nancy who very publically married celebrity TV veteran Greg Meidel is a tropy wife. Like this trophy wife, we all know it will last because he took an oath!
by The Coolidge Effect January 29, 2008
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A female who will take all your money and cheat with your neighbors husband while you're at work.
My dad thought he upgraded when he found a trophy wife
by Chinchilla February 15, 2017
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Older 'trophy' wife. He provides the power and money, she provides the entertainment. While not having the oh wow value of the younger trophy wife, she is still a hot body and compensates for the older age by having no limits on her sexual offerings.
He ditched wife number 1 for a mature trophy wife . See looks thte same age as wife #1 but she's a gym rat and heard she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch.
by Geoplus December 20, 2007
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A "trophy wife" in the sense that we now live in a society where everyone gets a trophy. She's certainly not first, second, or even third place.
She is not even close to hot enough to be called a trophy wife - at best she's a participation trophy wife.
by NachoLibreAZ May 5, 2014
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A woman who is not especially attractive or accomplished or motivated, however, she feels she should have a husband who takes care of her, even though she does not contribute anything to the marriage. This feeling is based on an overwhelming sense of entitlement which has been instilled in her since birth by years participation awards and celebrations of mediocrity. More often present in millennials.
She can't cook, refuses to clean, and does not want to work to support the home; I don't know how, but he ended up with a participation trophy wife
by rsd2887 June 8, 2018
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The woman that you settled on marrying because you thought that no one else would have you.
My participation trophy wife is much better-off for having left me.
by Short Bus Sean November 25, 2016
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