another word for the folds of skin of a woman's vagina,
that just blows me away.... the amount of visuals... that the term "twat waffles" brings up....
by Mozes March 13, 2005
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The idiot that gets on your last damn nerve. The person you know that suffers from excessive verbal diarrhea. The one you want to smack in the face with a pick-axe. The person who has done it all and done it better than you.
Jewell is always talking about how great he is compared to 'regular people'. He's such a twat waffle.
by Yep I'm that guy March 12, 2018
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A twat that resembles a folded waffle.
Her jeans were so tight , her twat waffle was on full display
by Bostonbrian80 March 14, 2017
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A kind of rude person, usually used to break ice or stop and argument.

Twat wafflery may also be used for a more comical affect.
You sir, are a twat waffle.

What that kid over there did was sheer twat wafflery.
by Foxx~Fire August 18, 2009
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a person (usually a female) who is an etreme bitch. cam also be used synonymously with trick, whench, cock-block, ect.
My ex-girlfriend is being a twat-waffle with my new girlfriend, that cock-block.
by brennan "Juggernaut" hensley September 16, 2007
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When one's friend is so busy being sick in the shower that they fail to notice one entering the bathroom naked to have a piss.
"On a scale to sober to Twat- Waffled, how drunk were you last night>"
by giraffeostrichbanana April 14, 2015
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