When a person's bunghole is sore from explosive diarrhea. In severe cases you may even need some Preperation H or baby wipes.
Damn, Weej, your cookin' gave me tender A.
by weej December 19, 2004
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primarily used in utah. its when two people do the following: kiss, hold hands, hug, and flirt. something said or done, lovingly or affectionately.
girl 1: "omg! you were totally being tender with him!!"

girl 2: "i know!! it was so exciting. that means he likes me, riht?"

girl 1: "yes! i could feel the tenderness in the air!!!"
by aarbear21 November 20, 2010
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Tenders, also known as "Tendaaahs" refers to some hot women, typically in packs. These said "Tendahs" must be of legal age, otherwise they're just chicky nuggets... stay away from chicky nuggets. (Try this one out before you think it's bad, becuase trust us, it's good.)
"Yo, Brah, check out that 4 piece of chicken tenders!"
"Dude that's what I'm talking about..."
by BBrown May 25, 2008
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If your referred to as “Tender” you a lame simp ahh person
Look at Johnny holding Samantha’s lunch he a tender ahh nigga
by @yungtytpc April 1, 2022
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the goalie in hockey.
Man, Marty is a siiick 'tender.
by sexyhockeygal04 February 12, 2010
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The word Tender is used to describe a person that is being a complete Pussy. Warning.. Tenderness may lead to Vaginosis if not addressed immediately.
Harold: Hey, want to play paintball after school?
Mike: Nah paintball hurts.
Harold: Dude stop being so Tender...
by ShaQueefah May 15, 2011
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Money, specifically cash.
That boy straight jacked all my tender.
by FlatNuts July 22, 2003
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