Faeces, the type where it's watery and has chunks in.
I stewed my pants

When did you last have stew in your pants?

I need a stew
by Stewy Pid May 18, 2009
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When one leaves a shit and piss in the toilet for the next person to view and deal with.
Oh My God! Somebody left their stew.
Somebody stewed all over the place
by Yeemyster March 6, 2010
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A goofy looking, hump-backed individual, that resembles Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, except with less athletic ability.
Yo, you alright today? That Stew got you looking like a ghetto quasimodo!
by Hozay23 August 23, 2010
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A short way to say the word 'stupid'. Fun to say, and more insulting than saying the word 'stupid'.
"2 times 2 equals 5, right?"

"It equals 4, stew!"
by somechild February 7, 2013
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A fun party game for all that involves a magical wand, usually a crayon piggy bank, or a magical animal to guide you through the game's ultimate quest
I had so much fun playing Stew last night!

Man, my magical bunny led me down the wrong path, now I'm going to lose stew!!
by stormtrooper69 June 6, 2011
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1. A dish cooked by stewing, especially a mixture of meat or fish and vegetables with stock.

2. Informal (for a man) an ex-boyfriend/ex-husband of a present (or prospective) female lover, with whose thorny memory and existence he has to deal daily.

3. Informal Mental agitation: in a stew over the lost keys.

4. Archaic A brothel. Often used in the plural.
(1) As burning AEtna from his boiling stew Doth belch out flames. --Spenser

(2) Man, I can't get over that fucking stew!
by Saint Augustine April 19, 2003
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When in beer pong, a player sinks the ball in the drinking cup of another player and the first player's partner immediately repeats the action yielding a double sunk drinking cup. The first sink ends the game, the second sink results in the player being "stewed." The result of being "stewed" is a permanent ending of the player's beer pong career.
"Holy shit...I've never seen anyone get stewed before. You just got owned in beer pong."
by zombiejesus666420 April 4, 2009
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