A guy that acts and 'thinks' he is a bit of a ladies man.
'Wilks is a right Shabba'
by Tubbsy February 12, 2004
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i. (a) a word with no meaning whatsover, it can be used to get out of many situations (b) did i just say that?
ii. or just repeated over and over to really irritate one's friends, the latter meaning is the most effective
i. "i like (insert name of ugly person), oh shabba"

ii. "shabba shabba shabba shabba"
by Tom November 20, 2003
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A word used to describe something that that is not very good. Derived from the Hip Hop artist Shabba Ranks, Rank meaning bad.
That film was really Shabba.
by Anonymous May 10, 2003
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Quite simply a word that can be used instead of shit - and is just as versatile as the word shit too.
After walking through the field, my sneakers were covered in shabba.

I need to tidy my house - there is shabba everywhere.
by dancingloveboy October 29, 2006
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"Man, I got really Shabba last night!"

"You better let me drive, you are REALLY shabba."
by cab517 May 16, 2009
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Marcus has huge nostrils and a high-top fade. What a shabba.
by Brandon H. March 31, 2006
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Shabba is a name for a female used in some Islamic countries like Maldives.

It refers to an Arabic word ( شابة,شبة ) that means "young" in feminine and also used to refer to a beautiful thing to tell something is much beautiful and vital.

The word was used by the ancient Arabs to name a male "Shab" and a female "Shaba,Shabba" specially in a tribe called "banou shabeeba" "بنو شبيبة" , while now used only in no-arabian Islamic countries as a female name.

Still used in Arabian countries to tell something is young, vital, and beautiful specially in the Western African Arabian countries.
Someone: Hello Shabba!
by ZSof January 1, 2015
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