If I were to define this school it’s basically a school we’re wanna be rich white kids go to school it’s a racist school also most of the teachers are pedos and it’s where white kids go to lose their virginity and get sucked off by the gym teacher after school for a dollar cause he needs money
Trail ridge middle school is trash hgms
by Miguelbbc December 14, 2018
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To be such a fucking booty school that everyone sucks dick there it’s honestly that bad no one likes there dumb ass rules fucking ass school
Defined as I hate Fox Ridge Middle School with a passion “Oh my god I can see your sholders”

FISHY got cancer”
Fuck this shit I hope the school burns down
by Ireallywantfoodrightnow123 October 4, 2018
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Ponus has the most dirty ass bathroom while rodgers international is over there with white boys acting like they are good at sports let me name some Xx7jtacoxX Fakemossyirongollem dummas fatigue ponus look s like a trap house while rodgers lil stupid ass is the queens home
ponus ridge middle school = fakemossy fucking colton
by tanush April 2, 2018
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A school that no one likes and they have have dumb as teachers and it’s the worst school in south jersey 💯
by People are weird November 18, 2019
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Bunch of rich white people. Don’t go if ur insecure all the girls with their “perfect” bodies and perfect lives will overrun u
“Yo u going to Belmont ridge middle school
“Hell nah I not bouta go with those rich ass white kids”
by fuckyouyadumbwhore May 31, 2019
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A fucking rich ass school in flower mound, the size of a goddamn airport. Even though the students are rich, most will end up in jail. The girls in high school fuck more than their grades and the boys nut to McDonald’s toys.
Boy: What middle school did you go to
Girl: Shadow Ridge Middle School
Boy: are you even a girl?
by American$niper April 24, 2023
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A slang term for a really shitty middle school.
P1: Where do you go to school?
P2: Hellmont Ridge Middle School
by boyboy626 March 9, 2016
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