Another word for broad. On YouTube there is a video that tells a story using hockey player names, one of them being Rick Brodsky. Hockey players constantly refer to girls/ women as broads/ broadskis, so to be more creative the substitution is ricks. Originated at a prep school in New York.
by TheBigCat August 25, 2010
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Rick is just simply one of the most amazing people you will ever have met in your entire life. He fills your life with happiness. Likes to flirt but you cant help but flirt back. He's a real sweetheart. You will want to be with him always. You'll fall in love with him.
Awe!! Rick is awesome! He's so sweet!!
by Leah Love November 12, 2010
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verb: to lick, suck, or draw something with the mouth. Specifically to the act of removing 'santorum' orally. (see santorum)
I don't mind dirty sex, but I would never rick santorum.
She would only let him fuck her in the ass if he would rick santorum.
by typografik August 19, 2011
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Rick is a super dad! An all knowing all loving father and husband. Having a Rick as your Father or Husband automatically makes you the luckiest person in the world!
My dad is Rick!
by Daddysgirl95 August 19, 2020
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(v.) - to remove something with your tongue. The word is a combination of the words "remove" and "lick," and was popularized by its use in the famous sex column "Savage Love."
I have ricked a lot of things in my life, but I will never rick santorum.
by johnRR January 23, 2012
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To suck the frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex (also know as santorum) out of someone's ass
He was so grateful for the lay that he ricked his partner.
by fanodan August 18, 2011
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Verb: The post-coital act of sucking the frothy mixture of semen/lube/fecal matter (a.k.a. Santorum) from your gay lover's anus.
OMG, that boy's booty was delicious...I thought I'd died and gone to heaven when he asked me to kneel down and Rick Santorum!
by Dan's the Man August 19, 2011
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