A style of music which is judged by those who like it more on the appearance of those singing it than the music.
Britney Spears is hot. She MUst be extremely talented.
by Oh shit I'm dead October 19, 2004
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commonly mistaken for being a shortened version of 'popular music', pop music is a term that applies to songs which use a pretty formulaic verse chorus bridge, verse chorus as the standard.. a rock n' roll song that hits it bigtime is still a rock song.. popular country tunes are still country tunes.. hip hop be hip hop. due to mass-corruption on many levels of humanity, pop's name has been spoiled--forever linked to (but not limited to) the latest top40 geared studio manufactured product pusher of the month.
fella #1: "did you watch conan last night?"
duder #2: "nah, too busy watchin'the music video station."
fella #1: "those music video's are nothing more than 3 1/2 minute commercials, played over and over until we know the words, associate that with liking it and buy the album."
duder #2: *singing latest madonna song in his head* "huh? whah? sorry, i wasn't listening."
fella #1: "record companys decide and let the music channels and radio stations know what the next hit single shall be. they can afford to do that sorta thing."
duder #2: "but kelly clarkson totally rocks!"
fella #1: "wrong. she will be gone shortly and forever erased from our memories."
duder #2: "who was on conan?"
fella #1: "broken social scene.. amazing band, proving that the pop music has room for growth, depth, and talent."
duder #2: "you gonna eat that?"
fella #1: "ugh.. take it." *hands over his sandwich*
by the-rich February 28, 2006
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gay music that 12yr old girls listen 2
pop music sucks balls
by Tim Jeske December 11, 2004
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The shittiest genre of music ever. Pop usually features talentless losers who rely on audio editing and autotune to sound half decent. For some reason, pop is extremely popular among American teens instead of real music, like rock.
Average American Teen: "Did you hear that new Bruno Mars song? It's pretty epic, no?"

Guy Who Appreciates Real Music: "Fuck no dude, Bruno Mars sucks, just like all pop music. Now excuse me while I listen to some REAL music."
by Greenzorz April 26, 2011
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something that requires no talent to make as it only uses cheap shitty computer software and some blond bimbo slut or some batty boy preppie faggot male to "sing" the shitty lyrics some cocklord named Bjorn from Armenia wrote.

In fact it shouldnt even be legally defined as music Call it Horrible Talentless Noise
by Brother Number One December 8, 2003
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Music that is usually used in order to make ones ears bleed
"Hey, lets go listen to some pop music, I feel putting myself through hell!"
by Janaye September 3, 2002
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a shitty form of 'music' (some1 plz explain how it can fall into the same catergory as metal) where a bunch of 'boys' (once again confused) wear girls jeans a townie t shirt nd get there hair bleached blonde then buy guitars write a bunch of meaningless shit, it gets on the radio nd almost damages my ears. it sucksey cant sing cant play their instruments and write as well as a piece of retarded zombie cat shit
oooh the girl dumped me coz im a loser(some windows break)
oooh i shagged the gay off star trek (a crappy attempt of a guitar solo)
who's david?did she dump me coz i damaged her ears.
that girls fit lalalalalala (more windows break)
i write pop music lalalalalalalala (1 final window break and i run around screaming "my eaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrs the pop crap is spreading")
by womanofmassdistraction January 20, 2006
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