oosh-this word holds no meaning.
by Jesseray James November 30, 2007
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1. Basically, karate chopping (except from down to up, as opposed from up to down) right on the ass crack.
David ran up and gave Drew an oosh magoogie when Drew had his back turned.
by Bob April 23, 2005
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a big oosh is a scary african who rules the world.
assumption is fact.
facts are for wimps.
Never admit you are wrong.
never show weakness
fight your way out of an argument
Oh dont worry shes just behaving like a big oosh
by poo poo ma goo November 28, 2021
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Another word for 'hash brown'. Often used by gangsters.

Also can be used to describe a bad situation.
Steve: Dave mate, I just went to the shop to buy some phat oosh broons but they were sold out.

Dave: Aw man this situation is oosh broon
by SKooBla April 26, 2006
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A response used when surprised or amazed by something surprising or amazing
My dog gave birth to a donkey

“Oosh Pickle”
by The Oosh Pickle Man July 25, 2022
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A reaction when something happens, good or bad
Oi look at what I just got” “oosh, that dope
by Brevfrens September 2, 2021
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An erratic change in behavior, usually in a good way
"he really did oosh when he saw that"
by joebruh123 April 30, 2021
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