Someone everyone should love and i love a lot hes so funny and talented and i would do anything for him please marry me
“wow did you see neil go to that party!”
“yeah they looked hot”
by notandrewburnham June 12, 2021
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A 'neil' is a passionate, good looking, sexy, clever guy who has an amazing out look on life. If you come across a neil, you can be sure your life would change for the better,
' i met a neil today, how lucky am i :)'
by sneaky leeky January 5, 2010
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a simp, very tall, gay twink

an absolute loser who likes to stand naked in a corn field

he turned into a pickle once, and called himself pickle neil
funniest shit i've ever seen
'wow, if you were any gayer you'd be neil' - a local bystander says
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to ruin a perfectly good stream of funny jokes by telling a really bad one.
by jabrony September 17, 2007
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Having a wank in a public place, in honor of the radio presenter Neil Prendevile who did it while the plane was taxiing on the run-way.
Did you hear John had a neil on the bus?

ya that's fucking horrible.
by Cillit Bang 96 November 3, 2010
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