“do yu fw her?”
by December 24, 2022
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An insult to compare someone to the incestrous Roman Emperor Nero.
Marcus: Stop calling me Nero.

Pete: I'll stop calling you Nero when you stop fucking your sister.
by WatermelonBoy February 28, 2017
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1. A roman emperor.

2. CD/DVD burning suite.

3. Large coffee store chain in Europe, like a Starbucks in USA.

4. An extremely sexy male individual.
That Nero is so fine! He just sets me aflame!
by Engelburt March 25, 2010
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incestuous emperor who was implicated in the burning of rome ( said to have played a fiddle in the inferno ) and later shifted the blame from the christians to the jews. he was eventually assasinated by the leader of the preatorian gaurd (secret service) after having his mother killed after a lovers qaurrel
burning colosseum in the background of the nero cd burning program
by chunk March 4, 2005
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seriously nero die im talkin to u the one in the chat room ure a hairy sack of shit
u nero
by f u nero go die August 19, 2009
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someone who is a lover who cares only about him/her self
1-A nero will say "OMG i had the most weirdest dream ever!, i was on the beach with NO sunscreen and a monster came out of the water and didnt offer me any!!"

2- "I dont care if u hate sushi, i want some and so we r gonna go get some!"
by Uohlak August 24, 2009
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