To send a nude on April the 23rd every single year
Person 1-“you know it’s national send nudes day?”

Person 2- “oh really? Well I guess we’ll do that later then”
by Peace bringer April 23, 2018
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Every single day of the year go up to a bitch and say send nudes or go to hell
You fucking bitch send nudes or else,National send nudes day is everything single day of the year
by Niggerbitch2 April 19, 2018
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National Send nudes day is about girls sending nudes to their boyfriends or anyone they feel comfortable with
Person 1 *send nudes*
Person 2 😍😘🍆
I mean it is national send nudes day
by Kingdaddy23 April 12, 2018
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National send nudes day is on April 19th and for the whole day you can ask anyone for nudes and they must send them.
Guy: Hey *random girls name*, do you know what today it is
Girl: Yeah, isn’t it National Send Nudes day?
Guy: You would be correct my good lady, may I please recieve explicit picture of you?
Girl:Oh boy I feel so honored! Of course I will
by Mikememeaholic April 19, 2018
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April 17th, National Send nudes Day, is they day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with. You can also send them to a side piece or a main piece
Some people send them to a close friend or a significant others. National Send nudes day
by Yo mama44444 April 16, 2019
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