gangsta 1- hey shawty u hear bout that nigga Tarome

gangsta 2- hell yea my folk murked his ass last night
by Lil Tripp February 2, 2008
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to be murdered
He got murked
by AC August 22, 2003
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To be messed up badly or to have been assualted brutaly

To have been sexed up alot
The guy was murked after de 5 guys beat de shit out of him

she got murked by her ex unitl she was in alot of pain
by Acidplanet_Member September 28, 2005
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murked or merked (which is a toronto slang word) is an insult used against anyone who you dislike. It means they are either ugly retarded stoopid or all of the above.
Me: (playing ball with some friends)
Some Random Bucktee: "Fuck you all!"
Me and my friends: "You so murked fam!" (wihle we are beating the shit out of him and stealing his money)
by Toronto Slang Man September 4, 2019
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To put to shame or to lower in standards.
I fucking murked that dude and his whole clan when I took 'em all out.
by kevin gilmore April 22, 2005
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To be eliminated, executed, or smashed by great defeat. Can refer to life or a game (video or sport), but nothing else.
Correct: Billy Costigan (DiCaprio) was murked in an elevator in "The Departed."

Wrong: I murked that bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.
by Titanic1912 December 4, 2008
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