A blocked nose. The air in your nasal passage can't get in or get out.
Hi Doc, I can't breathe properly. Do you think I have the Mazy Nasals?
by lissyriddle February 4, 2010
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Mazie is a charva. She is the type of girl to go and see the band bad boy chiller crew. She is a big slag and she will manipulate and trick you into falling in love with her. She used way too much fake tan to the point that it looks like black fishing.
Me: hey is that mazie? She’s a class lass.
Sister: yeah I had a fight with her because she’s a massive dog and tried to take my boyfriend

Me: oh. Never mind
by Bigboyjezza January 4, 2022
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A weird girl, she sound nice at first but shes fake asf. Has an issue with everyone, and has a yeast infection.
“Have you seen that Mazie girl?”
“Yeah, shes fake bro.”
by cheeseball19368 January 21, 2023
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Mazis Is The name of a Talented young boy who's The lead singer of a Pop-Punk band and he's known as being so creative and smart. He recently released an album named "The Wise idiot" that is available on Spotify and ITunes.
by Sunlight August 15, 2018
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Best person in the world.Very good at basketball and soccer.He is the most thickest person you will ever know
I am Mazi and I like to play basketball and play 1v1 against other people.
by R.I.P Kobe and Gigi January 27, 2020
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The feeling you get when you wear poka dots while brushing your teeth while you’re cat chokes on the bathtub faucet
I had a very mazi morning this morning. Not vary radical
by Gaymoneyswagger May 13, 2020
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The MAZI assault another customer because they were not wearing a mask.
by Pookem July 28, 2020
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