Definitley one of the bets rappers. Needs to be getting more attention, seriously one of the greatest of our time.
by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005
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"You heard that new Kweli song? Damn, that mang is awesome!"
by RENEGATUS DOT COM August 22, 2005
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A word to describe a tall can of any kind of beer. It blatantly blends two great things into one term; hip hop and beer. Talib Kweli is a great representative for real hip hop, and his name and music mixed with a nice tall can equates to greatness. A term for all the real hip hop heads and beer fanatics out there. THUS the term Talli Kweli.
Mos Def - Damn Talib, we need to take a break from Reflection Eternal and grab a couple brews."
Talib Kweli - "You mean some Talli Kwelis brotha?"
Mos Def - "Yezzir!"
Talib Kweli - "Let's do it up!"
by ActionJacksen June 12, 2010
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Talib Kweli is a racist rapper who promotes violence against whites.

"And if a white boy say the shit
He'll still get punched
Right in the mouth" is one of Talib Kweli's lyrics from the song "Ridin'".
by Hater of Racism January 22, 2009
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Talib Kweli is the second coming of Kayne West, sick beats, good music, not conceded
Talib Kweli- This the story of Luci in the sky with diamonds, i ask her why she cryin she wanna live she got her time for dyin
by Phil The Chill July 30, 2005
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a wack ass "poet rapper" as some people call him. people need to wake up and see that nobody like that ancient history shit like Talib Kweli, Nas , or any of them wack ass so called poets. if Hip Hop is dead then somebody sure did revive it because hip hop is bringing in more money now then it did back in the garbage ass 90s era. But I will admit Lil Wayne SUCKS massive dick that is one of the worst rappers ive ever heard and im from new orleans....BUY Diary of a american witchdocter to hear what the real South is about.
Man is that lame ass nigga Nas still rappin. somebody needs to tell him and Talib Kweli that that shit they are saying is tired.
by Trillion Cutz November 14, 2007
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A fake deep “conscious” rapper from Brooklyn, NY. He likes to argue with people online, was banned from Twitter. Calls anyone who disagrees with him a “nazi” or “racist”. He will doxx people he’s harassing on social media and is known for that more than his only well known one hit wonder, “Get By”. Harassing Black women on Twitter during the pandemic was the only thing he seemed to do til his permanent ban. He’s not a gangsta obviously because gangstas aren’t perpetual keyboard warriors that went to boarding school.
Talib Kweli is washed up, angry, dusty, corny, lame and fake.
by TactlessTruthTeller March 13, 2022
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