Let me tell you about Keelie. Keelie is the most amazing, outgoing, and gorgeous person you will ever meet. She never fails to put a smile on your face even in the worst of moods. Nothing can hold her down from being successful and happy. An independent women with the biggest heart. Keelie is the best.
I’m so lucky to have Keelie in my life
by Mr. Huff prob and stats September 19, 2019
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keeli can steal anyone's man
dont underestimate her
she is mad funny
she says the most out of pocket thing
she can make you smile with just one word
she is caring and helpful
"keeli is so fine omg
i had a one night stand with her and omg that badussy"
by valk0rxzi July 14, 2023
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keeli is an amazing, funny, and sarcastic girl!
keeli's are often mistakened for kiwi.
they are sweet, mature, weird, but a gorgeous person.
they crush on people hard and often have a hard time expressing their emotions.
they joke about the past and other horrible things they went through.
their smile lights up the whole word.

you should be lucky to have them, you should never take them for granted.
they're very childish and are supportive aswell.
they tend to be shy at first but are very sweet when they open up.
they are also crazy.
"keeli is so pretty, have you seen her?
yeah of course..!"
by valk0rxzi July 14, 2023
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A fuckn sexy girl who everyone loves and every boy loves her and wants to marry her.
Random 1: OMG! Is that Keely?!?
Random 2: oh yes! She's like the hottest girl on the block!
Random 1: no! She's the hottest girl in the world!
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A girl who is totally insane but tons of fun to be around. One who dances with many different guys; some that would gyrate, others that were drug dealers. A girl who ends the night making out with a hot guy. A life of the party type of girl.
That girl is so Keeli!
by ThatGirlMelissa September 23, 2008
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she is fucking hot az hell i wanna fuck the shit outta her
by .......... October 10, 2003
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