I didn't know that the ideal American pop star should be a karaoke singer!
by sarcastic July 18, 2003
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Often associated with drunk folks who have no rythm what so ever and appear to be tone deaf
"look at the tone deaf, rythm-less ass singing karaoke"
by Chad? January 21, 2005
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Process by which one sings a song in front of a group of people, with only musical accompanient and scrolling words.
Don't stand. Don't stand so. Don't stand so close to me.
by MoonKnight November 29, 2002
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The reason why I doubt whether God exists.
There is no God when every fucking town has a karaoke bar.
by WhatTheFuck? October 9, 2003
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a pastime consistin of singing in front of an audiance with the help of a telaprompter scrolling the lyrics and an intrumental and backup singing track
also singing in your car to the radio
by Karaoke superstar October 16, 2003
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n. A display whereby inebriates attempt to sing songs that were once or are now popular (the trend favouring the latter), aided by a badly recorded MIDI soundtrack and words flashing on a monitor. (often derogatory)
I know this bar on Bloor Street that has karaoke on Thursdays.
by Squire of Saskatoon November 27, 2005
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When a female is going down on a male, and she so drunk she can't seem to put the penis into her mouth, yet she's moaning at it as it sloshes around her face. This is usually accompanied with a fair amount of saliva which in turn, smears her hair onto her face and looks like sweat from a live concert performance.
My god. Last night was insane! She totally did a drunken karaoke.
by -djb- March 23, 2011
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