motivated , strong , beautiful ,focus nice , outgoing . Has a beautiful future ahead of her & Loves money . She will be a millionaire very soon .
Janaie come here
by Janaie March 14, 2017
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A union spy. Someone likely to file a grievance against you.
I got called to HR...again. Janai totally double-crossed me.
by Daisy1982 September 24, 2022
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Often a flake but easy to forget in sight of her flaws a soul stealer
"When is janai gonna be here?"

"she's not she said she cant make it."
by Bizzlefreakface November 29, 2011
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The most exotic beautiful girl in the world. There’s only one in the entire world and she’s taken.
Damn I wish I knew Janai
by jLuvsJanai February 20, 2020
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Oof. She is superrrrrrr beautiful like she is literally perfect. She can make your year. No joke. If she is is your gf you better treat her right because she wonderful and loyal asf. And she high key thicc. You are blessed if you have met a Janai is your life. She’s also veryyyyyyyy H O T
by Badxbitch3005 November 24, 2021
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She is quite, nice, smart, funny, hot, and beautiful. She gets attached to people she cares about really easily. She will care for you very much if you care for her. If you treat her like shit she will not care about you. She usually gets attached when the other person treats her like she means something. She will only date someone she truly feels comfortable around, someone she hopes to spend the rest of her life with. But there's a side of her that if you mess with her or someone she cares about that side will come out and tear you apart. When. Before you get to know her she may seem like a mean and weird person but that's just because she's quite and has an RBF(Resting Bitch Face). But when you get to know her you will love her.
Janay looks like a bitch.
You just need to get to know her she's awsome.
by YoungMoney125 May 15, 2022
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