A piece of crap car, normally driven by individuals with of Asian and Latino descent who think they're hot shit with their farting exhausts. No, they're indeed quite useless.
White Guy #1: Did you just fart?

White Guy #2: No, it was the chach in the rice racer Honda Civic

White Guy #1: Of course...is he Asian?

White Guy #2: Yup.
by Jonny33YEEEEEBOII February 14, 2011
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The most BORING car ever. Built since the 70's, and got popular in the USA during the 70's gas crisis. A cheap car that was designed soley to get good gas mileage, but looks like a cartoon car that took 2 minutes to design. Today they are popular with ignorant people who don't care what they drive as long as it gets them to point A, B, or C. And of course wiggers and gang bangers who put stupid mufflers on them that make them sound like weed wackers. They also put tail spoilers on them that don't even match the car, or give them ugly paint jobs.
Ok, I understand people care about getting good gas mileage but seriously...kill off the Honda Civic. It is a bland dull car with a horrible image these days.
by Metalhead83 December 30, 2011
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To the general public, who obviously know nothing about cars, the Honda Civic's prime selling point is its relativly low price and wide readily available assortment of after-market parts. Any car can be made to go 155MPH provided you have the right parts and the right knowlege to tune it, as I have with my own. I spent little on the parts that were nessessary in improving the car performance. To date, with only about 8000 spent, this car can out perform on acceleration, top speed, fuel economy and handling than most mustang Gt's, WRXs, Boxters, and so on. As an economy class sub-compact, the 2001-2005 Honda Civic sports a 1.7L single-cam gasoline engine, (in our groups case have made over 250 safe HP for daily driving) it is a excellent platform for modification. Its low initial cost and lightwieght frame give the Civic the potentional of EXTREME performance which many sluggish V8s cannot even dream of. Make fun the the civic all you want, buck for buck, this car IS the smarter choice for people who "know".
turbo tuned honda civic equals performace for price. Don't bother comparing it to a V10 like most idiots do.
by BrianLi December 6, 2006
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Cars that stupid kids like to modify and also like to think that they look 'pimp'. BS, jap cars are weak and cheap by nature, which is good on the financial side. No matter what you do, the only attention you will get is from the police.

These idiots make insurance soar for young people like me.

You want to grow up? Buy a damn BMW or the like.
Hey man, check out my new Garett in my civic. I'm gonna race every person on the street that overtakes me.
by A guy with class March 24, 2004
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It is when you ask someone to subtly wet an amount of toilet paper so it is easier to wipe your bum after a poop
Can you please Honda Civic this piece of toilet paper?
by Rosie2016 January 25, 2019
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