Heather is basically one of the only person you can trust. She isn’t afraid to hurt someones feelings, tells the truth, and always has her friends backs. But never do her wrong, once you break her trust she might not be too forgiving. She has a group of guys that would die to have her but chooses those who might challenge her instead. Shes the life of the party and loves to make friends. Heather shares everything she has. Including an occasional spliff. (She is the life of the party after all) If you know a heather you know her presence is addicting. You always want her around because everything about her is perfect. Her eyes gleam and her smile could lift up a room and not to mention her sex appeal. Heather could seduce anyone..including females. Although heather often times struggles to see her own worth, hundreds appreciate her everyday. Never give up on a Heather. Theyre an angel in disguise.
Heather is so down to earth!
by Xxgoyhboixx March 4, 2019
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Heathers are usually the most beautiful girls you will ever meet. They are extremely sexy and have nice bodies. Heathers are also amazing kissers. However , they are not self absorbed bitches. Heathers have fun, loving personalities and are crazy fun to be around. Alot of the time they are shy to outsiders but very comfortable with friends. Be warned--Heathers are the funniest girls you will ever encounter. Any boy to hook a Heather should consider themself extremely lucky and never let her go. Not only are they kind , but also smart. If you are considering asking a Heather out , JUST DO IT! You will not regret it && will have lots of fun showing her off to your friends.
Damn, look at Heather. She's so sexy.
by FoOtBaLlGuY2O12 January 19, 2012
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A girl with big pretty brown eyes and a nice smile. Her laugh will make you laugh and her giggle will make you fall in love. She usually only falls for douche bags while there are tons of nice guys who are in love with her. If you ever have a chance for her to like you, don't blow it. She's not shy at all the first time you meet her but as you go on to know her you'll see many sides to her. She loves to sing, dance and act but she doesn't know how talented she is. She's worth a million bucks so don't ever lose her. Oh, and she has a nice butt.
Dude 1: Bro, have you seen that girl over there? Her smile is so beautiful.

Dude 2: Of course I've seen her man. Who wouldn't notice her? She's totally a Heather.
by Jacob1993 June 29, 2014
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Pretty much the sweetest person you will ever meet. the most amazing girl you will ever be privileged to know. she is incredibly adorable. she is drop dead gorgeous, amazingly beautiful. she's loyal and faithful and trustworthy, when you see her it gives you butterflies, when she kisses you it makes your knees week and when you hear her voice you melt she is perfection
man she's amazing, she must be a heather.
by I.P Daily. April 16, 2011
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a beautiful person who everyone wants to be, be friends with, or be in a relationship with, Everyone Loves “Heather”
by Brookleenn August 18, 2020
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A Heather is someone who is prettier than you and you wish you were them
Stephen hawking was the leader of the Heather clan
by Donald Trump✔️ October 5, 2020
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The nicest person you will ever meet. She is always there for you and is extremely trustworthy. She will never let you down. She is always willing to lend a hand and is very intelligent. Her extraordinary beauty matches her wonderful personality; she is truly beautiful inside and out. She is a very special friend whom should be treat with kindness. A true friend forever.
weather feather heathheather
by lol123334 May 13, 2011
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