an edgy teenager who is always on his computer, buys too much stuff, is socially awkward, and puts trackers on girls
other name :(lucifer)

he was also kicked out of heaven because he is (best boy)

and god got mad
person 1: that guy is always on his computer
person 2: yeah, what a Hanzo Urushihara
person 1: aaayyyy
person 2:aaaayyyyy
person 1+2:aaaaaaaayyyyyyy
by Aloe vera gel August 1, 2018
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A player who selected Hanzo as their Overwatch main. They are often extremely bad players on the team who rage consistently and throw the game. They are often a pain to deal with. On the extremely rare occasion you come across an actually good Hanzo main, they will most likely save your ass. Please note the chances of seeing these mains are very low, especially in the lower ranks. Be sure to treasure the good Hanzo mains you find.
Player 1: Did you see the Hanzo-main last game?
Player 2: Yeah, they were totally started throwing the game after the Zarya used grav...
by Flamerules101 April 15, 2020
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The hanzo effect is when you have a crush on someone, and your crush has a crush on you, you both confess. but you never had a chance into dating them. BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, YOUR CRUSH WILL STAB YOU IN THE BACK BY NOT TELLING YOU THAT YOUR CRUSH LIKED SOMEBODY ELSE, but instead of a crushback, your crush was dating someone else.
my crush liked me, and now shes dating someone else without telling me, looks like im a victim of the hanzo effect.
by President_Noob April 5, 2023
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A Japanese Swordsmith. Said to be the best swordsmith on earth. No one knows for sure whether he existed or was he just a myth. Hattori Hanzo was also a character in the movie Kill Bill directed by Quentin
Tarantino and starring Uma Thurman.
According to the movie, Hattori Hanzo is still alive and lives in the city of okinawa, Japan but resigned from his original job 20 years ago as he made a primise to stop creating weapons that kill people.
Hattori Hanzo is the greatsest swordsmith ever.
by aby April 20, 2005
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A sexy, smart and talented person with a huge D
"Yeah they're a real Hanzo main"
by Not_a_hanzo_main November 24, 2020
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1. Someone whose preferred character in Overwatch is Hanzo (Literal)
2. Someone who plays Hanzo almost exclusively, even when the situation doesn’t can for his use. (Derogatory Literal)
3. Anyone in a team based multiplayer game who exhibits one or more of the following qualities:

A: Refusal to play anything other than a specific preferred character, even if they are genuinely terrible at that character. (2 kills, 3 assists, and 14 deaths in a 20 minute game.)
B: Total unwillingness to play the objective, instead focusing on showing off and getting kills.
C: Abuses poorly designed and improperly balances tools in their kits to get underserved kills.
D: Being a weeb.

E: Shifts blame to innocent bystanders whenever a terrible plan of theirs fails. (Why weren’t you healing me?!)
F: Incredulous to any claims that they are in the wrong.
G: General dickishness.
H: Inflated sense of self importance.
I: Impressively bad aim.
J: Incel.
K: Pulls the “I’m having fun” card whenever they are called out.
L: Simultaneously whines whenever anybody isn’t living up to their unmeetable standards.
Hanzo main: This team is fucking garbage.

1st Reasonable individual: How did you die 23 times in 20 minutes you fucking idiot?
2nd Reasonable individual, checking player profile: How are you this bad at a character you have over 700 hours on?

HM: Oh my god, shut up dude, I’m just having fun, I’m not bothering you.
1st: Yes you are you dipshit. You were feeding the other team the entire game.
3rd reasonable individual who is on the other team: Yeah, dude, you were high-key throwing. I genuinely thought you were a bot for the first few minutes.
HM: All of you are fucking garbage. Enjoy your report. I’m out of here.
3rd: What a fucking tool.
2nd: Damned Hanzo mains.
by Krabbo December 26, 2022
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