Dude: Hey man..... I think I broke your car door.....
Me: Fucking DICK!

Dude: Hey man, what's up?
Me: Oh huh what?
Dude: Don't you remeber me?
Me:..... Fucking dick?

Dude: I hate life
Me: Fucking dick!

Ice Cream Man: That'll be 3 dollars
Me: Fucking DICK!

You After Reading This Shitty Definition: Fucking DICK!
by Dr. Crowley November 9, 2009
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expression; often used after feelings of excitement or anguish
eg 1: fuck dicks Milton! Thats a large ghoststbusters t shirt, where did you get that from?

eg 2:"meine shloss hat eine grosse leak"
"fuch dickshlongenrr!"
"iich bin bien, mein unklewinkel gerfixt es"
"fuch dickschlongenerr, danke mein bestes beefjerky" ...said Barry to his sister
by weblin September 5, 2008
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a term used to refer to an asshole or someone who royally fucked up
1. Yo thats MY beer you FUCK-DICK!
by N Bizzle and D Sizzle May 16, 2004
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The definition is that a person who is bad or someone who is horrible and is a dick and likes to poop on your shoe
a fucking dick crapper defininetly doesn't know how to drive.
by psun3 May 9, 2018
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"Fuck on my dick" is a term used when you want to sound like a fucking G who claps bitches cheeks on the daily. This can also be used when your homie is down and you need to cheer him up.
"Franklin you bitch, i got fuck on my dick"
"Yo homie, it'll be all good. Fuck Jessica, you need some fuck on your dick'
by nukefart14 October 16, 2019
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Someone who loves to munch dick all day every day and rarely have an empty mouth, also referred to as a slag/sket.
Rebbeca is a fucking dick munch, because she always has a dick in her mouth.
by BassFaceBasher November 7, 2013
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