Sugar free gummy bears are the reason your ass will turn into a brown Niagara falls. After eating about 20 of them all hell broke loose in my bowels. In my bowels, something was happening that I never imagined could have happened to me. Sweating, cramps, bloating. I've ate Indian curry, and the end result was like smelling daisies in a meadow compared to the end result of eating sugar free gummy bears. Then came the flatulence, DEAR GOD THE FLATULENCE. The sounds were like trumpets calling demons from the pit of hell. The stench was worse than that of a thousand rotting corpses. One more minute in that bathroom and I would have died of choking on my own putrid fumes. What came out of me felt like someone trying to funnel Niagara falls through a coffee straw. AND IT LASTED FOR HOURS. I felt so violated when it was over.
Dude 1: I just ate some sugar free gummy bears, and they wur pretty good.
Dude 2: You are going to be in the bathroom for a long, long time
Dude 1: No I'm not
*one hour later*
Dude 1's asshole: *water fall sounds*
Dude 1: OH GOD WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by chaeg January 29, 2014
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Sweet bubble gum taste that fills your body with what you think is energy. red bull does not give you wings, but in fact gives you diarrhea.
Did you see that girl drinking sugar free red bull?...she's going to blow it up later.
by REDMannah October 22, 2011
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When you walk next to a good-looking guy in a public place to get people to think that he is your boyfriend.The "sugar" refers to commitment, therefore "sugar-free" means no commitment. Especially satisfying when you do it and your ex is walking the other way.
"I saw Jason on the street the other day. I had my sugar-free man candy. :D"
by Raystar April 10, 2009
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A person who stands out of a crowd and displays Godly qualities. A sugar free gummy bear is not afraid to stand up for what they believe in. They are not followers and are usually Christians.
by asugarfreegummybear June 6, 2019
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a person who takes part in a resistance movement against the oppressive establishment that is Sugary Soft Drinks, with particular relation to full sugar Redbull.
Me ordering a drink at a bar: can I please get a sugar free Red Bull
Bartender: oh right on man, good to see another sugar free-dom fighter around
Me: *raises fist in air as a sign of solidarity.
by Sugafreedaddy69 December 11, 2022
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A name to call someone that acts like they are something when they're really just nothing.
That ho think she all that, but she jut a bag of sugar-free sugar.
by ToonRosie13 May 1, 2015
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To dominate the enemy team without even having to try.
Dave: Bro these people just died without using their CD's, thats Free Sugar.
by abczxc September 24, 2022
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