The worst American made car ever. Always breaks down.
F ucked
O ver
R ebuilt
D odge

F ound
O n
R oad
D ead

F ucked
O n
R ace
D ay

F ucker
O nly
R uns
D ownhill

D river
R eturns
O n
F oot
by Red Dog August 17, 2005
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Fellowship of Ring Damage. Gentry of an Antipodean background who form a friendship with a trader associated with large losses on his trading portfolio. Normally associated with regular late night drinking & arrivals in the office the next morning of a tardy nature.
Oh look, there's the FORD on the golf course.
by Craig Smyth September 29, 2004
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Oldest American Automobile Manufacturer. Only remaining Automobile company that is still finacially solvent.
FORD, Acronym; Freakin' Oakies Really Dig 'em
by CHAKTO deGuyre February 5, 2010
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A shitty automibile company that sells so many cars because whenever somebody gets suckered into buying one it breaks down two months later and they have to buy another one!
"Oh Jesus my piece of shit Ford broke down and its not even off the assembly line yet!"
by lance penney September 6, 2006
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F ucker
O nly
R uns
D ownhill
dont get a damn ford.. im tellin ya
by Dayne Tour September 13, 2003
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Fucked on a raw deal
Found on the road dead
fix or repair daily
person1: dude im about to get a ford
person2: dont man i got fucked on a raw deal by ford my cars constantly falling apart
by bigz September 3, 2007
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