This is what Stephy says to me when I correct her spelling or vocabulary. Like who can't say vocabulary anyway! Abbreviation for fuck off.
Stephy: I am...truelly...
Raffy: You're spelling is horrable! LOL
Stephy: foff Raffy! LOL
by Raffy August 18, 2004
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Fuck Off; generally used when a lesser being (nerd) questions your authority over them
loser: hey that's my jelly doughnut
cool person: FOFF
by mikemuzzin June 25, 2007
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I can't believe you foffing broke my girbils leg! You dumb foff! You can just Foff off!
by SLIPKNOT RULZ June 20, 2006
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•.FOFF ASUZETTE several people wrapped up into 1 messy wild tangled up ball• FOFF ASUZETTE they R better more handsome /beautiful/sexy REALITY is NOT! WARNING ! IF cornered they will LIE • FOFF ASUZETTE NOT a person BUT a “BEING” w/ an INTELLIGENT brain perhaps a form of “ALF” ChOsEs NOT TO USE IT *almost like a peeble *end of disclaimer
A) the worst / 1 of multiple personalities from 1-15 1 the worst
b) FOAS= F@%kOff ASUZETTE *c) Sybilevil angry w/jealous made up feelings they think they are funny need 2entertain performing ridiculous acts 2get ANY KIND OF ATTENTION WARNING these types of personalities WILL threaten suicide but wouldn’t do it *d) in”this mode”they think they R indestructible &they can do anything *e) FOFF ASUZETTE not afraid of street thugs, your bf/gf~not even your cute little grandma/not fearful of MCmembers not afraid of the law the police/authorities NO FEAR
f) this personality only seeks revenge & only hears half truths. *G) live wire w/no fear. *H) a parentless child nothing to lose *I) uknow. that 1 being you HAVE 2 babysit don’t FEED it, it only gets worse. that’s a Foff ASUZETTE
I hate when you act like a FOFF ASUZETTE ughh so annoying watching U keep picking@that same ole scab~that isn’t even there! Then u want to cook food!? FOFF ASUZETTE

*Oh great ! I see FOFF ASUZETTE is psycho ling up again~hold on boys&girls the rodeo just came2town~jealous green eyed monster will b rearing it’s head up any moment w/the land of make believe HALF TRUTHS get your cameras out so U can see the transformation~now that’s a FACT!

*RUN for your life! Cover yourself w/butter& carry some lemons just in case~There’s a FOFF ASUZETTE ON THE LOSE!
by FUSUE December 27, 2019
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FOFFE Fat Over Fifty FEmale. For many that is enough. Fat Over Fifty FEmale as an acronym. But FOFFE (pronounced foff-fee) connotes so much more. Not necessarily does this apply to all women, overweight and over fifty. And the term can be applied to women perhaps of normal weight and under the age of fifty as well. The exactitude of the word FOFFE refers specifically to the type of woman who, through aging has come about towards an unconcious, and thereby unrecognized existential crisis whereby, her fertility and her placement and importance of motherhood are being challenged. During the aging process, menopause, in not so unconscious terms comes into focus. Also, if being a mother, her children have grown and are not so heavily dependent on her. As a direct result of these factors, a certain nervousness creeps into her behavior whereby her spot in society, her place in the family, her very purpose becomes less and less valuable hence the existential attack. Her specific and unwavering reactions towards these events are what creates a FOFFE and not otherwise. As the FOFFEdom takes hold, such abnormal behavior as breaching of the privacy of others, the forcing of decision making to reside with her even if absurd and irrational, and her insistence on constant contact and communication even when inappropriate pervades.
That Foffe seemed completely oblivious while she blocked every else with her car.
by NostraFaustus January 5, 2020
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