future douche-bags of america
abercrombie/hollister wearing tweeny boppers who prance around the mall EVERYDAY and think theyre sexy. they can say "big boy" words like fuck and shit!
me: see that swarm of little boys that think they are so awesome because they have hollister on and girls following them?

you: yup! they're FDA's!
by courky November 27, 2011
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Fucking Dumb Ass;

this is used to describe anyone who is just too fucking stupid to be allowed in public.
"Is dat some FDA?"

*After watching some punk ollie off a staircase and break his skateboard on the head of a statue of a public figure in front of a group of cops on break a passerby mumbles under there breath* "what an FDA"

by Super-Hyphen- April 17, 2006
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Abbr. Fag and Dyke Association.
The people at the local FDA are planning a gay pride march.
by Gurl Troll February 24, 2008
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Fuck Dat Ass: Equivalanet of Fuck that shit.
A: Britney Spear's new video clip is on TV.
B: FDA man, thats crap!
by Anonymous July 14, 2003
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Fucking Dumb Ass;

this is used to describe anyone who is just too fucking stupid to be allowed in public
"Is dat some FDA?"

*After watching some punk ollie off a staircase and break his skateboard on the head of a statue of a public figure in front of a group of cops on break a passerby mumbles under there breath* "what an FDA"

by Super-Hyphen- April 17, 2006
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Similar to a PDA (public display of affection) and FDA is a "Facebook Display of Affection". These are annoying and are most commonly seen by ugly or weird couples
Brian-"holy shit my news feed is clogged with that dirty couples FDA's
by briand93 January 6, 2011
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The best thing to hit the streets since sliced white bread.
-"I wish I was in the FDA."
-"Well you can't be, you're not cool enough."
by Floyd Corporation May 19, 2008
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