A very intelligent girl who comes off as annoying and stuck-up at first, but shows a nicer side occasionally.
The thing about Elisa is that you have to wait for her to come to you; an introverted soul, Elisa unwittingly rejects those who attempt to befriend her. Forcing compliments won't help either; generally, Elisa judges personality rather than looks and will be rather disappointed if you immediately label her as "pretty" or "hot".
Once you have an Elisa, however, she's your pal for life; despite the "jerkass loner" facade she puts up, she can always make time for a good friend and is usually up for lively banter.
Jessica-- Hey, Tom, have you ever met Elisa?
Tom-- Tried talking to her, but she never says anything. At all.
Jessica-- Be patient! She'll be there eventually. Once you get to know her, she's totally cool and super-smart!
by nepetaCataria June 7, 2013
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elisa is the hottest most beautiful girl ever like how could you not date her omg if you cheat on her or even lose her , your a fucking loser and have no dick like ur automatically 2 inches shit ur name prolly starts with an A or and L , shit maybe both like actually a phat L for losing elisa but if you do have her your name prolly starts with an E because e is a valid letter. If you have an elisa u win life she'll be the best gf youve ever had, shes so pretty and makes people lack for her. People drool over her like omg those eyes and those lips like ughhhhhh just a phat w like w to whoever is dating elisa currently also like ur the luckiest person ever i wish i was still dating elisa man she was awesome and so beautiful.
person 1: yo i just broke up with elisa
person 2: go fuck yourself , get out of my life how dare you breakup w such an amazing hot sexy person

person 1: ima go kms now
by ilovemybf.com October 17, 2022
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A drop dead gorgeous female known for their tantalizing voice. An exotic breed of half hispanic half Italian beauty anyone should be lucky to be in the presence of.
OMMGG!! Its Elisa!! lets take a picture!!
by witness11 February 3, 2010
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elisa is a perfect, beautiful, funny, bad bitch who have a phat a$$ and a huge juicy coochie.
elisa is a goddess
by Jean-Claude Smith June 28, 2020
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Elisa is one of the most wonderful people you will ever meet. She seems shy at first, but when you look deeper you realize she is struggling more you could ever imagine. She is so adorable, but thinks that no one cares about her. She has a really big crush on this boy that she thinks hates her. (But i know he doesn't) Elisa, I love you and you are forever the light to my darkness. <3<3
Me: ELISA! whats wrong!
Elisa: You know, same old, ma life.
Me: *sigh*
by Katgirl567 April 22, 2016
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Elisa is a smart, beautiful and kind person. She is very supportive to her friends, if you find a Elisa keep her close shes worth it
Elisa is a awesome friend I hope someday we can become more than friends
by German Sheperd Floof October 9, 2020
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elisa is the most beautiful, kind, loving, funniest, most amazing girl in the world. she knows how to cheer you up and matches your energy so well. she will be there for you at your lowest, and will never leave your side. elisa's are able to be cool with anyone they meet with. whenever you're with elisa, you never stop laughing, and I mean never. you are able to talk to her about anything without the feeling of being judged. if you ever meet an elisa, never let her go.
Girl 1: omg I hate elisa

Girl 2: (dropkicks her in the face leaving her in a coma never to arise.)

Girl 2: dont talk about her like that unless you tryna start something.
Girl 1: ..
by brothaaaaa October 7, 2023
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