an absolute dump next to the Tay, populated by total minks and, in contrast, rich young people at DHS.
dundee.... im never coming back once i get to uni.
you live in dundee? unlucky.
by me February 7, 2004
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Music (usually hip hop) made with vocals supplying the beat instead of real drums. Also known as beatboxing and less commonly loveboxing.
The Roots - 100% Dundee
Rahzel - If Your Mother Only Knew
by p funk February 18, 2008
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To piss your pants and then wring it out onto another person, and then laugh at them
Guy 1: "Dude you know that girl I went to dinner with last night?"

Guy 2: "yeah man"

Guy 1: "I totally dundeed her last night, she was drenched and I was laughing so hard!"

Guy 2: "cool"
by tmandog April 19, 2011
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man last night i drank so much, i woke up this morning and was still dundee
by mcguillicutty July 28, 2009
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A small city on the northeast coast of Scotland, boasting such titles as:

- The highest drug death rate in Europe
- The highest teen pregnancy rate

- 1/3 living in poverty
- 1/3 living in the housing schemes

- Being one of the few places where the population is going down
- >1 Hour from the nearest city, so if the locals don't kill you then boredom will

If you do ever decide to visit out of morbid curiosity, avoid the council schemes. More specifically Douglas, Kirkton, Lochee, and Charleston. The council prays that hipstery tourists on a day trip from Edinburgh don't go five minutes up above the city centre and realize it's a dump.
"Ehm fae Dundee"

"My condolences"
by Banana Banzai November 5, 2022
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the town in upstate new york on seneca lake which sucks more than its european counterpart. cows prowl along the roads and trailers are considered permanent residences. The only place in new york where people don't need a last name.
you aint talking about my dundee like that are you? I'ma sick billy-bob on y'all. He dont like it when city slickers come into town.
by dj jack paulsen July 28, 2004
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