Actual name for a person named Erica.
Bro, check out that dingdong heading our way!
by ThighArtIsMurder July 19, 2020
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by EzraTheTripleA August 30, 2022
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The act of getting a triple kill when your lane opponent and 2 other opponents try to gank you in your own lane while you are trying to farm.
I was minding my own business under my tower, when all of a sudden I got a slingrong dingdong when they tried to tower dive me.
by fiora master 420 March 9, 2016
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hussain is the only kid his age in east london with a 1/2 inch sniper.(hussains extremely small ass cock)
oh shih did u see hussain backed out his pinky fingy dingdong in a vid call
by hehehhehehehhehehhehheheehhe January 14, 2019
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