The act of aimlessly driving around, often complimented with music, acquaintances, food, etc.
"Hey, what should we do tonight?"

"I don't even know, dude, perhaps a cruise?"

"Sounds awesome, I'll go get the keys!"
by sweticles July 2, 2009
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To go for a ride. To keep a steady flow of things. To let something happen naturally with no pressure added. To move forward at a comfortable pace. To just leave the past behind and look ahead. To enjoy someone you can see yourself with on the road ahead.
Me and this guy been seeing each other for awhile. I dont know what to think but i like him. So I'll just let it cruise and see where it takes us.
by Sweets1980 June 29, 2015
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driving around while smoking a bowl, blunt, or something to that nature.
dude, lets cruise, I have at least a bowl pack!
by guenivere August 10, 2005
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doing nothing, chilling, chillin, relaxing. In Hawaii, to convey the idea of driving in a car, one would say "going for a cruise."
Friend 1: hey, whachyu doin?
Friend 2: nothin, just cruising.
by hmbarton1 September 18, 2006
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1. To travel (to somewhere).

2. To leave the current location (often 'cruise out').

3. To wear (an article of clothing).
"Yo, let's cruise Lester's jam."

"Pure tin soldiers, this is shit is wack, imma cruise out."

"Don't cruise that busted sweater again!"
by Parkson Wrecks March 25, 2006
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the best thing to do when you are bored
u just drive round the streets all night wiv ya m8s wiv ya music up full blast
me and ma possy r goin cruisin 2 nite
by gob shite May 21, 2005
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