Having vigorous sex in a bed after capturing a wild turkey and killing a chicken.
You and Lindsay have been catching the crazy turkey over in her bed
by Stjimmy December 13, 2014
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To have sex while making strange bird like noises. Alternatively, this may also refer to an instance where you see a turkey, there is a jumbled chain of events, but hours later you end up having sex-- must be in a bed. Doesn't count otherwise.
Ryan: “Everyone knows where you've been. You've been catching the crazy turkey over there on Lindsay's bed”
Lindsay: "Yeah, we kinda go 'gobble gobble gobble' when we have sex."
by KingEm December 13, 2014
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An Innuendo for sex that starts with a bottle of wild turkey ends in a bedroom and somewhere in between a chicken is killed. Term invented by James Ryan Haywood of Rooster teeth / Achievement Hunter.
We all know where you've been, you've been catching the crazy turkey in Lindsay's bed.
by Mr. Damien Bane December 13, 2014
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A sexual act in which 6 chickens, Michael, and Lindsay (as a bird) gather in a bed and make sweet, sweet eggs.
Michael, you're busy over there in Lindsay's bed catching the crazy turkey.
by cjfrey96 December 13, 2014
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When you have sex and you make the turkey gobble sound. If you don't know it's too wild for you.
"You've been catching the crazy turkey over there in Lindsey's bed."

"Gobble Gobble baby"
by gandalfsmagicgaydick December 13, 2014
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The act of having sex with your girlfriend when she is dressed as a bird
Michael: my bed is not for your chicken

Ryan: you have been catching the crazy turkey over there in Lindsey bed over there
by lilnitewing December 13, 2014
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