meaning cool, hip, awesome, ect.
like, emily and i like went to the mall, and like, had like a totally coral time you know, then we like went home, and like, made out.
by poor dude.... June 6, 2005
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1. Cool, awesome, amazing.

2. Someone who is wayy overly nice
Wow Harry, thats a really coral Reptar watch you got there.

Savannah: Sorry I just elbowed you in the face out of boredom.
A Coral: No! It is in fact my faces fault for moving in your way. I'm so sorry, heres five bucks!
by Savane-the-vile March 8, 2008
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A street name for 'Crack cocaine' used in Waianae, Hawaii.
Why are you twitching? Did you hit the Coral?
by Henz Turtle November 24, 2010
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A amazing girl who would stand in the corner of a room with a shotgun screaming try me bitch to protect her friends in a scary movie. She is one of a kind and is the first person there when you fall down. You will never find a more amazing person than her
Coral is such an amazing friend
by New Berlin Illinois April 2, 2019
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When you are on the phone and you have friends that have no filter, you say “coral” to tell them that family members or someone you don’t want to know your on the phone is around.
yo I got coral, be real quick.
by Jade W May 31, 2023
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1. The hard parts or skeleton of various Anthozoa, and of a few Hydrozoa. Similar structures are also formed by some Bryozoa
The atoll was made mostly of coral.
by agnostic jihad June 6, 2007
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by DOULBLECHIN November 25, 2018
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