The badass girl from The Walking Dead Game who will never return to the series.
Daughter of Lee, mother of AJ.
Damn Tim you cried at the end of The Final Season when Clementine said bye
by DrizzyXL September 23, 2020
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A refrense to the size of boobs. Watermellons are big boobs, grilled cheese is when someone is flat.
She has clementines, but that girl has watermellons
by WilbrahamSlangKids January 13, 2009
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i want a moth and i want to name it clementine.
by thunder1408 December 22, 2020
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"Hey, look at my clementine i just bought!"
by bfj December 6, 2009
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1. (n) An orange like fruit
2. (v) To have the fruit thrown at someone as a way to silence that person's words, actions, etc.

Person 1: Yo, pass me a clementine.

Person 1: Yo, Aaron just clementined me.
Person 2: What?
Person 1: I was too loud for her and she clementined me bro.
by ElChinito December 12, 2016
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Someone who is very clementine-ish and like to rub peoples pockets he likes to smoke cro and likes men. He tastes like a saw eagle enthusiast he has a Gangsta Bitch named Dan Rodriguez.

His soul belongs to a god like human named Alex Jasinski
Hi my names Faz but you can call me clementine
by Not Clementine July 3, 2011
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