A penis wider then it is long.
Dude! You have a chuddy!
by tenaciousd2005 October 13, 2007
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1.A female who is chubby and likes to show it off. 2. A fat girl that thinks she is skinny.
by M. Weimer December 27, 2002
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A person with short stubby arms/legs and sausage fingers.most come with abnormally large forehead size.
aka alagator arms....Most go by the name of Neil Patnaude. And his accomplice his girlfriend Yamaca.
NEIL Patnaude has trouble swimming and driving because of his chuddy arms.

Neil could not go on the go-carts at funtown because they said he was to chuddy.

by Alagator hater July 28, 2005
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Man I got a huge fuddy chuddy when I was in class the other day.
by biljasnic January 11, 2010
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Chum and Buddy mixed together. A Friend.
"All right, ma Chuddy!"

"Me and my Chuddies are headin down town"
by Cloalo December 12, 2007
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