A woman's naughty bits. Used in rough conversation.
Pam's choch has bees coming out of it.
"Woah, check out that choch!"
"My choch is bleeding."
by Senor Asspants May 8, 2005
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A douchebag or tool cares about himself and is considered a "stud".
by unicornpoop:) September 15, 2017
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camel choch or just choch referring to pussy
dude her skirt was so short you could see her choch .
by mike92-30 July 27, 2007
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When you are in a synagogue, and it gets shot up by Christians
Wow did you see that choch on the news?
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Someone that has A lot of jewelry, money, and is just all together a rich dude.
"My name is Logan Paul and you should smack that subscribe button in the face and join the LOGANG because I'm just a Choch from Ohio."
by NotSoUrban19 January 1, 2018
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A choch is a dirty penis. Say you just pulled out of a girls ass and there is shit all over your dick. Your dick, is now a choch.

Choch is also a synonym for asshole or douchebag. If someone is being an absolute faggot, just call them a choch.
Hey billy stop being a choch!
by Mcchocherpants April 12, 2019
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a joint, preferably without block I/O
We rolled a choch and went for a ride
by Choch master December 12, 2007
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