Cunt(s) Livin' Big. Normally someone who keeps it real, sometimes a little too real. People who think the world is all about livin' and lovin', making the best of what we as humans have got. An article in The Times, revealed there is a secret society of these specific human beings located in Silicon Valley, CA (the CLB's).
"Oh! You mean Taters? Yep, she is definitely keepin' it real. I went over to her house and she was listening to some band with violin and eating some awesome pound cake, while wearing some pajama pants. I was like, 'Damn girl! You gotta be a CLB!!!'"
by Grey T. March 30, 2008
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Cunt(s) Livin' Big. Normally someone who keeps it real, sometimes a little too real. People who think the world is all about livin' and lovin', making the best of what we as humans have got. An article in The Times, revealed there is a secret society of these specific human beings located in Silicon Valley, CA (the CLB's).
"Oh! You mean Taters? Yep, she is definitely keepin' it real. I went over to her house and she was listening to some band with violin and eating some awesome pound cake, while wearing some pajama pants. I was like, 'Damn girl! You gotta be a CLB!!!'"
by Grey T. March 30, 2008
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Cunt(s) Livin' Big. Normally someone who keeps it real, sometimes a little too real. People who think the world is all about livin' and lovin', making the best of what we as humans have got. An article in The Times, revealed there is a secret society of these specific human beings located in Silicon Valley, CA (the CLB's).
"Oh! You mean Taters? Yep, she is definitely keepin' it real. I went over to her house and she was listening to some band with violin and eating some awesome pound cake, while wearing some pajama pants. I was like, 'Damn girl! You gotta be a CLB!!!'"
by Grey T. March 28, 2008
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She/he is real CLB.
Last night he/she is a CLB
by GameGirlAdvanced April 25, 2021
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Greg: Man, what a raging company party last night!
Bob: Yea.. I was so wasted I threw up into our bosses face..
Greg: Dude... CLB!
by banter5aurus January 23, 2018
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Clb stands for cock loving boy
Hey dont talk to him hes a clb
by sfangang101 September 8, 2021
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Chat later bruh/bro/babe/boo.

Instead of having to say that lame ass TTYL you say CLB and still have some dignity.
Friend: Sounds good man! TTYL.

You: CLB!
by J0ndre April 30, 2019
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