To make a bad judgement call and sleep with a person who is particularly ugly and kinda crazy, rather like Gary Busey. Extra points if they resemble Gary Busey perfectly, especially if they have freaky teeth.
Friends are henceforth required to sing "Getting Busey With It" to the tune of Will Smith's "Getting Jiggy With It" and never let them live it down.
Girl: Dude, check out that gross toothy girl he's with.
Boy: I know, he's totally getting Busey with it.
Both: Na-na-na, na-na, na-na!
by Squisha February 4, 2010
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verb: to smile annoyingly big, being sure to show all teeth and some gums. sometimes done intentionally, other times because the person busey-ing can't help it, such as the actor Gary Busey.
Dude, you're busey-ing so badly that I can see your gumline!
by wh1tn3yj0rd4n January 6, 2010
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Decent actor and father of Jake Busey. Seems to be more than a little crazy in more ways than one. Did a lot of drugs and hit his head very hard in a motor cycle accident. Believes he had a conversation with Death personified and in alien conspiracies. Amusingly he is also a registered pastor of sorts. Most people agree he's a bit of a nutjob, including his son, but that he's a well meaning, funny guy.
Most recent projects include an acting appearance in the videogame Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the TV show I'm With Busey on Comedy Central. The latter does an excellent job of illustrating his behavior.
by JFern May 15, 2004
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Busey Bombing.... when you repeatedly send as many Gary Busey memes as you can find
Yo man, I just BUSEY BOMBED that chatroom!
BUSEY Bombing

Gary Busey joined the chat and Busey Bombed us all!
by RuMan427 October 27, 2018
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Busey's Pucies is the increasingly popular colloquialism found in the mid-south for dried, caked condiment (e.g. mustard) around the rim of the bottle, generally found at a low end breakfast joint.
Oh god! Switch that mustard out with one from a different table. That is some festering Busey's Pucies growing on there--I don't want to look at it, but I guess that's the price you pay for eating at waffle house.
by Sloan't August 22, 2010
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Actor whos the craziest funniest burnout there is!!!
Actuall Gary Busey quote;
I could tell by the quadrangle of the verbs used in your sentence.

Other person;
by Jag III November 14, 2004
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to get thrown against anything numerous times, including walls, cabinets, mirrors or just thrown over a couch.
Gary Busey has been thrown 3 whole times into various things by a werewolf in the movie Silver Bullet, therefore if something like this happens to you, you automatically qualify in pulling a Busey.
by illnevertell September 6, 2005
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