To hog; to take something considered common property and not share with others
Dude, don't bogart the nachos!
by Anonymous September 1, 2003
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To idly possess a shared item (such as a blunt) instead of letting someone else use it. Named for Humphrey Bogart, often seen in films with a cigarette idly sitting in his lips or hand.
"Hey man, either hit that pipe or pass it on, don't bogart the damn thing."
by Mr. Walken November 11, 2008
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The term 'Bogart' as it has been defined here only exemplifies part of the meaning. It has nothing to do specifically with 'hogging' a joint or smoking in general.

It is a VERB describing an act of boldness and fearlessness as was exhibited by Bogart in most of his film roles.
You Bogart your way into your boss' office when you don't care what the secretary says. You 'Bogart' your way into traffic when no one will let you into your lane and you 'Bogart' a joint when you could care less that anyone else is waiting for a hit.
This is the real origin of the term, "Don't Bogart that joint."
If you think you're just going to 'Bogart' me around like this, you are mistaken.
by GFR December 29, 2007
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To hog something which is supposed to be shared.
Quit bogarting the joint and pass it!
by e-vis October 3, 2003
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To hold onto something for too long when you are supposed to pass it on.
Oh sorry didn't mean to bogart the pipe. Here.
by Naomi December 26, 2005
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to not pass the marijuana, to smoke it yourself.
Dude, quit bogarting the doobage! Puff, puff pass!
by j0E September 15, 2003
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to hog all for one's self. often in a selfish matter. an example of something you can bogart is funyuns. this verb is derived from the name humphrey bogart who was known for being a selfish little bitch.
Come on bro, don't bogart all the funyuns.
by dareadhead January 29, 2017
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