(n) a bed being used as a sofa
(v) to use a bed as a sofa
Because he didn't have a sofa in his dorm room, Caleb sat on a bofa to watch a movie with Carly.
by hylkemon September 5, 2019
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A high level in the rare disease Ligma,that Causes people to get very ugly.
"hey dude are you having a Bofa?No im just ugly"
by geycat August 18, 2018
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I can decide if I want to smoke the blunt or drink the forty, or do bofa dem.
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Oh look! There’s a BofA atm I can get money!
by Lazy busssy November 19, 2022
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The word that almost killed pewdiepie but didnt die. It's almost like hes immortal.
Person 1: lmao didnt pewdiepie die from bofa
person 2: whats bofa?
person 1: Bofa deez nuts!! lmaO
by Caydem#2705 August 3, 2018
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Bank of America...a really big corporate bank that seems to be everywhere
I just checked my bofa online
by flippytale January 15, 2004
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