A term used to describe stinky breath.
He got the beh.

You got the beh.
I can smell your beh
by DMVSLANG February 1, 2013
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used in newfoundland by the newfies. used after everything, regardless. refers to someone.
Person 1: Whaddyat beh?
Person 2: not much, beh, what about you beh?
Person 1: not much, beh, went around with the behs last night, beh.
by Whattayatby April 22, 2011
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Expression of disappointment. Used as an alternative for bah or urgh.
"What's wrong?"
"Beh, I have to walk the dog again."
by Nanda July 10, 2006
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An expression in which such that when you are too lazy to explain because of the extreme length of the explanation OR to express dissatisfaction regarding an issue, object or an individual.
Beh la this work.
That guy is behaving like beh.
by behzzz March 23, 2011
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Short for bitch. Many people say for everyday use of the word bitch.
Mom: Go clean your room hun!

You: BEH!!! Ill get to it
by l.j.w February 4, 2009
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