That card game that lil' kids play... damn that game lasts FOREVER!
I used to be the grand champ at BS
by *The Boss* July 16, 2006
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by GoSu-KC November 4, 2003
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bs is a card game (more than one persons)
you pass out all the cards in a deck to each player(doesnt' matter how many players)then you go around in a circle and place down (in order) all the cards you have..Aces.2's.3's and so on if you think someone is lying by the cards they say they have you say "bs" and if they were telling the truth then you take all the cards in the middle if they wern't telling the truth THEY take all the cards . the first person to get rid of all their cards first wins
by tAyLoR jOhNsToN August 23, 2004
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What Brains Storming sessions are really about.
We need to BS, that is Brain Storm, about your idea. (sarcasm)
by fdavila July 11, 2008
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not bullshit children, it stands for butt sex. dont be fooled. common abusers get very bad diseases from the act of BS
"Alyssa had some extreme BS with that crazy freak over their in the corner"
by Jonny Freedon October 20, 2009
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