In the TCP protocol, the receiving computer sends an ACK (acknowledgment) to the sending computer. This is basically how a coonection is established.
Sender sends 3 packets, Receiver receives 3 packets and sends "ACK 4" (meaning it received what was sent, and it's ok to send the next number or packet)
by Obi-Wan December 9, 2003
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The natural sound someone makes when choking
Person 1: ACK ACK ACK
Person 2: Are you ok?
by Still chill still chill February 21, 2020
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airport call letters for Nantucket Memorial Airport.

Common abreviation for anything Nantucket.
Ack Attack - Have to get to Nantucket for vacation
by Chris ACK June 7, 2005
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the way most africans say the word ask
Italians from the east coast frequently use this word as well
Reggie- "Hey my little enword, let me acks you a question."
Tyrone- "You already acks me for money today and I am the big enword around here fool"
by jonesberger April 23, 2020
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a human onomatopoeic(sound)word to describe frustration or disgust.
"ACK!!! I have work today, It's going to be a bitch!"
by Emily Winters January 5, 2005
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Ack is a word to describe excrement or poo. It can also be used an adjective to describe something with poo-like associations- see Acky.
Where's the toilet? I need to do an ack.
I wouldn't go in there, someone just did an ack.
by damon goss October 5, 2011
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ACK is the call letters for Nantucket Airport, and thus ACK = Nantucket.
What does that "ACK" euro sticker mean? Nantucket.
by Fuzzwuzzy March 10, 2005
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