When someone posts a bunch of memes in a DM/Group Chat/Server, usually on discord. Could also be used for posting a lot of memes on a social media.
"someone do a meme dump, I need to add more memes to my collection"
by VeuIla April 27, 2021
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It's when a photo of you is created into a meme for the world to see and is shared by everyone.
"Did you see Johnny in that meme I made?, everyone is sharing it, he's meme famous"
by Technobri January 25, 2017
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A meme that gets increasingly popular over the coarse of a month until the height of its popularity, when it suddenly dies when the month ends, rarely to be heard of or spoken again.
Person 1: *posts a big chungus meme*
Person 2: Dude that was a one-month meme. Its not funny anymore.
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Meme immunity is when an individual has been exposed to every version of a meme and, therefore, it no longer seems as funny/interesting to them.

When meme immunity occurs for the majority of the online community, the meme is said to be 'out of date' or 'over-used'. At this point, many people start using the meme ironically.

People who have less exposure to memes often develop meme immunity later than everyone else.
Person 1: "I can't believe Bob still uses Harambe memes unironically. I thought everyone would have meme immunity by now."

Person 2: "He doesn't go online much so he isn't exposed to memes as often."
by Cherry_Cola October 30, 2016
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Meme immunity is when an individual has been exposed to every version of a meme and, therefore, it no longer seems as funny/interesting to them.

When meme immunity occurs for the majority of the online community, the meme is said to be 'out of date' or 'over-used'. At this point, many people start using the meme ironically.

People who have less exposure to memes often develop meme immunity later than everyone else.
Person 1: "I can't believe Bob still uses Harambe memes unironically. I thought everyone would have meme immunity by now."

Person 2: "He doesn't go online much so he isn't exposed to memes as often."
by Cherry_Cola October 30, 2016
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Meme immunity is when an individual has been exposed to every version of a meme and, therefore, it no longer seems as funny/interesting to them.

When meme immunity occurs for the majority of the online community, the meme is said to be 'out of date' or 'over-used'. At this point, many people start using the meme ironically.

People who have less exposure to memes often develop meme immunity later than everyone else.
Person 1: "I can't believe Bob still uses Harambe memes unironically. I thought everyone would have meme immunity by now."

Person 2: "He doesn't go online much so he isn't exposed to memes as often."
by Cherry_Cola October 30, 2016
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