Happens when the original purpose and meaning of a meme gradually declines into disorder. The meme is ultimately unused, or its use is completely different from what it originally expressed.
Man, I really used to like seeing Confession Bear memes but now people are just using it to brag about how they are dicks to other people.... it's going through meme entropy
by jcon94 February 23, 2020
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Someone who has knowledge of all memes in the world having the wisdom of 17 meme lord's can site any meme if you describe it
"I can't remember that meme I saw earlier"
"We should ask the meme dictionary"
by Meme publisher November 2, 2021
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A person who embraces and defends harmful systems designed to oppress them
Another victim of police brutality and we've got this Uncle Meme here with his blue lives matter shirt on.
by bkucenski February 26, 2023
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Seksy meme squad is a proffessional csgo team. it was founded by BenAffleck back in 1997. It has a large number of members (6 ppl) and also has a huge following (the members classmates).

If you don't respect the members they will send daddy shrek to either personaly curb stomp you or force you to watch five kwebbelkop videos.

Seksy meme squad is oftenly shorted with SMS. or as their ingame tag says, s m s.

Former players: GeT_RiGhT, Snax, allu, Olofmeister, Scream and kennys.

This shitpost took so long to make lmao

Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone
I got into Seksy meme squad, get jealous streaks! -GeT_RiGhT

Seksy meme squad is better than our team. -Olofmeister
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similar to "bandwagon" but specifically in relation to social phenomena
"getting on the meme-train"

"I've got a ticket on the Harambe express"

"remember lolcats? that shit was like the Ciurea rail disaster of internet memes"
by Rosettastoned101 August 6, 2016
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The act of cropping a meme when an unsightly watermark takes up an 1/8th of the meme.
"Fuck, this meme is funny but OP forgot to remove the obnoxious Reddit watermark. Looks like i'm gonna have to perform a meme surgery."
by snailevangelist April 21, 2020
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