the best day in the world, such a balanced date 17/03.. orgasmic. Its Johns Birthday which makes sense cos he's perfect
John: my birthday is the 17th March
everyone: ahhhh thats why ur so perfect
by oxxkejk June 25, 2022
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Kick people who are 5’8 day
Hey did u know it 17th March???
by coolx2 March 15, 2022
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national no-nestle day
you: would you like some of my kitkat?
me: no bro
you: huh why not
me: its 17th march, also fuck nestle anyway
by deliveryduel March 9, 2023
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The appearance on an electrocardiogram (ECG) of a run of ventricular tachycardia that resembles a group of hooded figures praying in succession. This usually means the patient is in acute cardiac distress and needs immediate medical care.
I was doing vitals on my patient the other night and saw the marching nuns roll across the EKG. I hit the code alarm faster than I've ever done anything in my life.
by stubbstarbuck69 October 16, 2018
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Worship shriya day, the day where we worship all named shriya
Hey what’s March 11th? Worship shriya day!!
by Mike6666666667 March 12, 2022
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Friend:man i just lost the person of my dreams
Other friend: its march 11 dude what did you expect .
by Steve⭐️ March 12, 2023
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Girls have to give boys free money to commemorate the famous musician, sugon.
Boy: Hey did you hear of March 11?

Girl: yeah I know here's your 50 bucks loser
by among us from batman March 11, 2022
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