a burn that is really funny
Friend:What did you have for supper yesterday
You:Your mom
by Mark Hennessey February 11, 2005
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Guy 1: Where's your mom
Guy 2: At my house
Guy 1: Alright, DON'T go inside your house.
Guy 2: Why?
Guy 1: Your mom needs her alone time...with me!
by jkman2012 January 8, 2012
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your mom

The insult to end all insults
Person 1: Your ugly

Person 2: Well your mom is ugly

Person 1: Your a fat farm animal

Person 2: Well your mom's a fat farm animal

Random guy: OHHHH diss!

Guy at Staples: Is it really that bright in here? (commenting about me wearing sunglasses)

Me: Your Mom

True Story
by DizzyLizzy June 19, 2006
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Two words that usually point to a mother- probably of the person that is being talked to.
However, it is also an insult- used randomly if you're not paying attention and want onlookers to have a laugh at your opponent's confusion.
"I can play an octave higher than you!"
"Well I can play two notes LOWER than you!"
"...two notes..?"
"Yeah...well...YOUR MOM!"
*looks confused*
onlookersHAHAHA (point and throw rocks)
by carroty queen June 16, 2003
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the answer to a question that is either, Stupid, or you dont feel like answering often followed by Ohhhhhhhhhhh
x:yuor a jew
y:your moms a jew

:so what did you do last night
Y:your mom
by bandgeeklmafo November 25, 2006
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the stupidest fucking come back ive heard in my damn life.
x: is it going to rain today?
y: your mom is going to rain today.
x: what are we doing today?
**Last time I checked; my mom wasn't a milf...to anybody.
by ohfuckitsLeigh June 7, 2009
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Something people that are not funny tend to say to try to be funny.
Billy - So what did you do last night?
Retard - YOUR MOM!!1 Xd lmao lmfao lol
by Kryptick July 30, 2016
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