The act of licking your partner’s butthole after being informed of their bathroom and bathing habits for the day.
Babe, did you take a gnarly dump earlier? I want to makes an informed decision with you.
by Beat Pharmacist November 19, 2022
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An absolute weapon of a human (don’t start him he will get angry gr) he is “some boy
Cody: inform callum is some boy don’t mess with him

Tadgh: I like men
by Inform cal July 14, 2022
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The Aviation information station or AAA for short is a service provided to pilots that gives them important aviation information before, during, and after flights. the aviation information station or AAA is frequently confused with the FSS or flight service station, though the FSS and the AAA may be similar they are not to be confused with each other. often times the AAA provides much more useful and insightful information than the FSS making it the favorite aviation information broadcasting station of many pilots all across the globe.
Person: did you check the Aviation Information Station (AAA) this morning
pilot: of course I did, I don't know what I would do without it
by User of urban dictionary123 September 21, 2022
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Someone who chooses to deliver a swift kick to the balls to democracy in an election, by scribbling profanities or drawing nonsensical pictures on their voting slip, thus making it invalid.

Particularity irritating during federal elections, this causes a huge waste of time for ballot counters as well as the fact you're throwing away your opportunity to have a say in anything.
Informal Voter: Haha, I drew a dick on my voting slip, elections are gay!

Person: Fuck you're an idiot.
by Fazzmania August 24, 2010
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Where information is being gather and disseminated about me. That's it. There is nothing else.
Hym "No. None of that is useful at all. Not even a little. Useful information would be where the information is being gathered. Nothing else is even semi-useful. I would even go as far as to say that it's USELESS."
by Hym Iam June 10, 2022
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When an individual is answering a question, and provides numerous additional pieces of information that are completely irrelevant to the answer you are asking for. Typically you will need to ask this dumb fool the question again, in a simpler fashion, to get a clear answer.
“Which time will you be arriving?“

“Well, I just have to do some laundry. Then I’ll go to the grocery store...I ran out of toilet paper...” Etc.

A Useless Exchange Of Information has just taken place.
by UsefulTerms December 25, 2019
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Hym "I believe trans people have a right to make a maximally informed decision regarding transitioning. So if they haven't been adequately informed of risks (such as dumping estrogen into someone that was assigned male at birth can increase the risk of prostate cancer and/or any other SEX exclusive health problems regardless of GENDER), their doctor and the people promoting trans rights are doing them a disservice. There is a difference between defending trans rights and curating information to trick people into being nicer to trannies."
by Hym Iam July 30, 2023
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