If you like safe sex but pine for a bit of risk then ceiling fan condom roulette (CFCR) is the post coitus game for you. Jizz like you normally do but instead of flushing your little swimmers down the never cleaned toilet, throw with all your might, the jizz packed condom at the moving ceiling fan above your (and your partners) head. It's going to land somewhere - your face, the closet door or it could just stick to one of the fan blades (rarely happens). Safe sex with a dash of gambling, that's CFCR in a nutshell. Godspeed little minnow.
Ceiling fan condom roulette is defined by throwing a cum filled condom at a ceiling fan after sex.

For example.

After I came, I pulled off the jizz filled rubber and threw it at the ceiling fan. Essentially, Amy and I were playing ceiling fan condom roulette. It stuck to the side of my shitty Wal-Mart bookcase. We safely made it through another round of ceiling fan condom roulette.

For you CFCR newbs, the very definition of risk is playing ceiling fan condom roulette multiple times a night. See how far you can go without someone getting cum in the face (or worse).
by Chris Blackwell the Beast December 27, 2019
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A mother were your mother is strapped to a ceiling fan that is spinning and your father gets a little licky when your mother passes bye
Hey I caught my parents doing ceiling fan hangy time last night
by Fattmattandgavin May 11, 2019
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A move were ur mother is strapped to a ceiling fan in motion and your father gets a little lucky every time she passes bye
by Fattmattandgavin May 11, 2019
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The phrase you use when you have to do an extensive amount of work, that is ultimately pointless.
John: What do we have to do in Language Arts tonight?
Isaac: Every toilet, every ceiling fan.
by Tearoze October 29, 2015
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A meme template in which you either:
1. Repeat what someone said, but every word is replaced with an antonym, or has a variant of "not" put before it and symbols are swapped.
(Not all requirements need to be met)

2. Say that something is its opposite
Person 1: It was awesome playing with you! See you sometime soon.
Person 2: Something else wasn't terrible not working without me. Don't see me never never!
Person 1: Ah yes, The Floor Here is Made Out of Ceiling.

Person 1: Have you heard of "Your Mother"?
Person 2: Your Mother is your father.
Person 1: Ah yes, The Floor Here is Made Out of Ceiling.
by Rubixed Cube July 15, 2022
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A term used by those 2 out of 3 lol cats that believe in Ceiling Cat and do not believe in Christianity's "God", therefore they do not use the term "OMG" a.k.a "Oh My God".
"OMCCWTFBBQ! A Capshun!" said the lol cat on icanhascheezburger.com

"OMCC (Oh My Ceiling Cat) thats one funny lol cat"
by Assassin Phone Inc. June 13, 2008
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