Ooga booga
An informal/formal greeting in samoan.
" ooga booga, Tufufu!" "Ooga booga to you too , Fonofono "
by Groidout March 18, 2022
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A way to send big puffs west when he has taken a pill or is intoxicated in some way. Hide your face with yours hands and when you reveal your face you shout “Ooga Booga!”. The result will be west.
Big puff: want a cowie like lad?

You: Ooga Booga

Big puff: aHhhh i’m west
by Big Puff Slayer 2000 August 25, 2019
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Used by cavemen millions of years ago.
Hey is that a cave man? don’t they say “ooga booga” sometimes?
by JoeMama4204206969 July 5, 2022
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what cavemen would say when beating something senseless with a wooden club
Caveman: *Beating a rock* OOGA BOOGA OOGA BOOGA
by r/theletterh April 3, 2021
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